

The Greenstone and Caples Tracks are linked at both ends to form a loop, which is commonly started and finished at the Greenstone Car Park, approximately two hours from Queenstown by bus.

Both services stop briefly in the small township of Glenorchy en route. Transport services from Glenorchy are also available.


  • Return transport to the Greenstone/Caples Car Park from Queenstown.

Greenstone / Caples Track Transport (West – East). Transport from Queenstown to The Divide. Then return track transport from The Greenstone Shelter back to Queenstown The Greenstone and Caples Tracks… READ MORE »

Greenstone / Caples Track Transport (East to West). Transport from Queenstown to Greenstone Shelter . then return from The Divide to Queenstown The Greenstone and Caples Tracks can be walked… READ MORE »